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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Resolve unable to save file in kolourpaint issue">OpenSuse_Leap_15_Kolourpaint|Kolourpaint</yambe:breadcrumb>

OpenSuse Leap 15 Resolve unable to save file in kolourpaint issue

If kolourpaint is not able to save files, start kolourpaint from a terminal and then try save again. If the messages displayed on terminal are similar to:

  No file found for ".xml" , even though update-mime-info said it would exist.
  Either it was just removed, or the directory doesn't have executable permission... ("/usr/share/mime")
  kf5.kio.core: Invalid URL: QUrl("IMG-20180813-WA0009.jpg")
  kf5.kservice.services: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "QImageIOPlugins" not found  

then installing kdelibs4support

  zypper in kdelibs4support

should resolve the issue