RHEL 8.x Spectrum Protect backup agent installation in Backup Server

From Notes_Wiki

Home > RHEL > RHEL 8.x > Backup tools > Spectrum Protect Backup > Spectrum Protect backup agent installation in Backup Server

  1. Copy the Spectrum protect backup agent file to /root (or other appropriate) directory in Backup server
  2. Login to Backup server via SSH
  3. Extract the installation file
    mkdir /root/agent-temp
    cd /root/agent-temp
    tar xf ../
  4. Install the agent
    yum localinstall TIVsm-API64.x86_64.rpm TIVsm-APIcit.x86_64.rpm TIVsm-BA.x86_64.rpm TIVsm-BAcit.x86_64.rpm
  5. Rename and give permissions for required files
    cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
    cp dsm.opt.smp dsm.opt
    cp dsm.sys.smp dsm.sys
    chmod 777 dsm.opt dsm.sys
    mkdir /spdata/tsmlog
    chmod -R 777 /spdata/tsmlog
  6. Delete the existing content and add the below lines in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
    SErvername BKSERVER_BA // Client hostname, in this case it can be same as backup servername
    COMMMethod TCPIP
    TCPPort 1500
    TCPServeraddress // Backup-server-IP
    NODename BKSERVER_BA // Client hostname, in this case it can be same as backup servername
    PASSWORDAccess generate
    ERRORLOGN /spdata/tsmlog/dsmerror.log
    SCHEDLOGN /spdata/tsmlog/dsmsched.log
  7. Delete the existing content and add the below lines in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt
    SErvername BKSERVER_BA //Backup-server-hostname

Home > RHEL > RHEL 8.x > Backup tools > Spectrum Protect Backup > Spectrum Protect backup agent installation in Backup Server