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(Created page with "<yambe:breadcrumb>Checkpoint_Gaia_OS|Checkpoint Gaia OS</yambe:breadcrumb> =Obtain a new checkpoint VM on AWS= # Login into AWS console. Go to Dashboard -> EC2 -> Instances...")
Line 15: Line 15:
#::  set expert-password
#::  set expert-password
#::  expert
# Verify that file '<tt>/etc/.wizard_accepted</tt>' is not present.  If this is present then first time configuration wizard has already been run.  Please ensure that system is not in production before proceeding, if the file is present.   
# Verify that file '<tt>/etc/.wizard_accepted</tt>' is not present.  If this is present then first time configuration wizard has already been run.  Please ensure that system is not in production before proceeding, if the file is present.   

Revision as of 16:49, 25 April 2016

<yambe:breadcrumb>Checkpoint_Gaia_OS|Checkpoint Gaia OS</yambe:breadcrumb>

Obtain a new checkpoint VM on AWS

  1. Login into AWS console. Go to Dashboard -> EC2 -> Instances -> Launch instance. Search for "check point" in AWS marketplace. Choose CheckPoint vSEC (PAYG - Pay As You Go) or (BYOL - Bring Your Own License) appropriately. Choose BYOL latest version (R77.30 at time of writing), in case difference between BYOL and PAYG is not very clear.
    Other option is to go to AWS market place and search for "check point" from there launch the VM in appropriate region.
  2. Choose "c4.large" or higher configuration as needed .
  3. Give 50GB or more storage based on requirement.
  4. Checkpoint might suggest a security group with 22, 443 and TCP ports enabled. Add "All ICMP" to suggested list or create a fully open (All protocols from everywhere) security group for checkpoint.
  5. Launch the instance with desired key pair. Please note that access to this keypair is necessary for being able to use the VM.
  6. Use keypair with admin user name. Example command:
    ssh -i <keypair> admin@<IP>
  7. Then enable expert mode and access expert shell by using
    set expert-password
  8. Verify that file '/etc/.wizard_accepted' is not present. If this is present then first time configuration wizard has already been run. Please ensure that system is not in production before proceeding, if the file is present.
    Refer https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solutionid=sk71000
  9. Edit '/config/db/initial' file and search for 'passwd:admin:passwd'. Set the value for admin password to 'admin' using:
    passwd:admin:passwd $1$zIVyrIdj$1LBW7Pg6XOcXYIgFPTppY.
    Save file and exit editor
  10. Recreate SQL DB using text file using following command in expert mode:
    conv2db /config/db/initial /config/db/initial_db
  11. Reboot machine using following command in expert mode:
    shutdown -r now
  12. After reboot access https://<IP> and login using admin:admin

Refer https://supportcenter.checkpoint.com/supportcenter/portal?eventSubmit_doGoviewsolutiondetails=&solutionid=sk92663

<yambe:breadcrumb>Checkpoint_Gaia_OS|Checkpoint Gaia OS</yambe:breadcrumb>