Install giraph in hadoop node
From Notes_Wiki
Install giraph in hadoop node
- Setup hadoop in single Cent-OS node as explained at Install hadoop in a single Cent-OS node
- Create a directory for temporary files such as /opt/hadoop/tmp and add following to 'conf/core-site.xml' file:
- <property>
- <name>hadoop.tmp.dir</name>
- <value>/opt/hadoop/tmp</value>
- </property>
- Edit conf/mapred-site.xml file and add following configuration to allow 4 mappers to run in parallel:
- <property>
- <name></name>
- <value>4</value>
- </property>
- <property>
- <name></name>
- <value>4</value>
- </property>
- Edit conf/hdfs-site.xml and add:
- <property>
- <name>dfs.replication</name>
- <value>1</value>
- <description></description>
- </property>
- to configure hdfs to maintain only one copy of data, effectively disabling replication.
- Format the node using ./bin/hadoop namenode -format, only if not formatted already.
- Start all services using ./bin/
- Install maven using
- sudo yum -y install maven
- Verify that installed version is >= 3.0 using mvn --version
- Download latest stable giraph from
- Extract giraph source in /opt/hadoop/giraph folder
- Make sure giraph files are owned by hadoop:hadoop
- Edit ~/.bash_profile for hadoop user and add:
- export GIRAPH_HOME=/opt/hadoop/giraph
- Exit from hadoop user and login again. Verify that variable is set using:
- set | grep GIRAPH
- Install maven using:
- mvn package
- If you want to avoid running tests after install use:
- mvn package -DskipTests
- If you want to avoid running tests after install use:
- If installation is successful then folder 'giraph-core/target' should have file named 'giraph-<ver>-for-hadoop-<ver>-jar-with-dependencies.jar'. Also folder 'giraph-examples/target/' would have jar file for examples with similar naming.
Steps learned from
Testing giraph by running a simple giraph job
We will run a simple shortest-path computation giraph job to verify giraph installation:
- Create input file named tiny_graph.txt with following data in '/opt/hadoop/data' folder:
- [0,0,[[1,1],[3,3]]]
- [1,0,[[0,1],[2,2],[3,1]]]
- [2,0,[[1,2],[4,4]]]
- [3,0,[[0,3],[1,1],[4,4]]]
- [4,0,[[3,4],[2,4]]]
- Each line above has the format '[source_id,source_value,[[dest_id, edge_value],...]]'. In this graph, there are 5 nodes and 12 directed edges. Copy the input file to HDFS:
- ../hadoop/bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal tiny_graph.txt /user/hduser/input/tiny_graph.txt
- ../hadoop/bin/hadoop dfs -ls /user/hduser/input
- Each line above has the format '[source_id,source_value,[[dest_id, edge_value],...]]'. In this graph, there are 5 nodes and 12 directed edges. Copy the input file to HDFS:
- Run the task using:
- ../hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /opt/hadoop/giraph/giraph-examples/target/giraph-examples-1.0.0-for-hadoop- org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsVertex -vif -vip /user/hduser/input/tiny_graph.txt -of -op /user/hduser/output/shortestpaths -w 1
- Check the output using:
- ../hadoop/bin/hadoop dfs -cat /user/hduser/output/shortestpaths/p* | less
Steps learned from