Chef infrastructure setup
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Chef infrastructure setup
Install Chef server
In case of a virtual server (such as openVZ container) 2.5GB RAM, 500k inodes and 10GB disk space is recommended
- yum -y install postgresql
- Download chef server from
- rpm -ivh *.rpm
- chef-server-ctl reconfigure
- At least in the case of openVZ containers following additional things need to be done:
- 'chef-server-ctl reconfigure' needs to be run twice so that installation ends with
- Chef Client finished, 396/448 resources updated in 109.272186048 seconds
- opscode Reconfigured!
- Container needs to be rebooted after package is installed for things to work. Without this following error message would be received while trying to create a new user using chef-server-ctl
- ERROR: Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect
- 'chef-server-ctl reconfigure' needs to be run twice so that installation ends with
- At least in the case of openVZ containers following additional things need to be done:
- Download ops-manage from to /root
- chef-server-ctl install opscode-manage --path /root
- opscode-manage-ctl reconfigure
- chef-server-ctl reconfigure
- chef-server-ctl user-create saurabh Saurabh Barjatiya iiit123 --filename saurabh.pem
- Open http://<server-IP>/ and login using username (saurabh) and password (iiit123)
- Create organization and download starter kit. It will warn about regenerating keys. That is ok.
- Other way to create organization is:
- chef-server-ctl org-create rekall Rekall Software Pvt. Ltd. --association_user saurabh --filename rekall.pem
- Save starter-kit on a workstation and use it to work with server
Steps learned from
Configure chef-server and knife workstation combination using command line
- On chef server create a new user using:
- chef-server-ctl user-create user_name first_name last_name email password --filename FILE_NAME
- chef-server-ctl user-create saurabh Saurabh Barjatiya iiit123 --filename saurabh.pem
- Then create a new organization using:
- chef-server-ctl org-create short_name full_organization_name --association_user user_name --filename FILE_NAME
- Example
- chef-server-ctl org-create rekall Rekall Software Pvt. Ltd. --association_user saurabh --filename rekall.pem
- Example
- Install chef development kit on client as explained at chef-apply and receipe syntax
- Verify using chef-client -v that client got installed properly
- Create ~/.chef and copy the two user and organization pem files to this folder
- Now create "~/.chef/knife.rb" with following content:
- current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- log_level :info
- log_location STDOUT
- node_name "saurabh"
- client_key "#{current_dir}/saurabh.pem"
- validation_client_name "saurabh-rekall"
- validation_key "#{current_dir}/rekall.pem"
- chef_server_url "https://chefserver/organizations/rekall"
- cache_type 'BasicFile'
- cache_options( :path => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/checksums" )
- cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]
- Here node_name must match with the name of the user for which client key was generated.
- Run "knife user list" and "knife client list" commands to verify whether knife configuration is working
- Create "~/cookbooks" folder for cookbooks as specified in ~/.chef/knife.rb
More info on knife configuration is available at
Steps learned from
Configure a new node to interact with chef-server
- To configure a new node to work with chef server use:
- knife bootstrap {{address}} --ssh-user {{user}} --ssh-password '{{password}}' --node-name node1 --run-list 'recipe[learn_chef_httpd]'
- For example
- knife bootstrap --ssh-user root --ssh-password rekall123 --node-name dns
- For example