CentOS 8.x Stream Install Zimbra

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Install Zimbra">CentOS 8.x Zimbra|Zimbra</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 8.x Stream Install Zimbra

As far as Zimbra installation is concerned most of the steps are more or less same as captured at CentOS 7.x Install Zimbra. However, in case of CentOS 8 Stream so far Zimbra fails to understand it as equivalent of RHEL-8. Hence it does not enables any package repositories and reports error:

 ...Unable to download packages from repository. System is not modified.

Other possibility is to encounter error:

./util/utilfunc.sh: line 2316: print: command not found

This is because the required Zimbra upstream repositories are not configured when OS is CentOS 8-Stream. As a workround replace

  • Move old '/etc/centos-release' to other location and create a new file in its place with following contents:
CentOS Linux release 8.3.2011
  • Move '/usr/lib/os-release' to other location and create a new file in its place with following contents:
NAME="CentOS Linux"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8"

Then try the installation with './install.sh --platform-override' and it should work fine.

Basically we are modifying the OS files to make CentOS 8-stream look like CentOS 8. This takes care of installation.

After zimbra is installed and working properly, perhaps restore the release files again so that other OS packages are not affected by this modification.

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Install Zimbra">CentOS 8.x Zimbra|Zimbra</yambe:breadcrumb>