CentOS 7.x screen

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Desktop tools or applications > CentOS 7.x screen

It is useful to run commands in screen so that we can later connect our ssh to machines and continue monitoring the progress. Refer: http://www.linuxcommand.org/lc3_adv_termmux.php for useful terminal multiplexing options such as screen or tmux or byobu.

Install screen

To install screen use:

   yum -y install screen

Start new screen session

To start new screen session use:


After this use the screen terminal like any other linux terminal.

To give a meaningful name to session use '-S' such as

   screen -S <name>

This name can be later used to identify screen.

You can start multiple virtual screens within a screen. To start a new virtual screen use:

  • 'Ctrl-A c'

shortcut. That is press Ctrl-A and leave both Ctrl and A, then press 'C'.

If you do use virtual screens then following additional shortcuts would help:

  • 'Ctrl-A p' - Go to previous virtual screen
  • 'Ctrl-A n' - Go to next virtual screen
  • 'Ctrl-A A' - Set title for current screen
  • 'Ctrl-A "' - List all screens and select them by title
  • 'Ctrl-A [0-9]' - Go to particular virtual-screen

Stop current screen session

To stop current screen session simply exit from bash screen

To list running screens

To list running screens use:

   screen -ls 

This will give screen session IDs of all running screen sessions

To disconnect current screen from terminal

To disconnect screen while you are connected to it use shortcut

  • 'Ctrl-A D'

That is press Ctrl-A and leave both Ctrl and A, then press 'D'.

To disconnect running screen from terminal wherever it is running use:

   screen -d <screen-session-ID>

To connect to a running screen

To connect to a running screen use below. If required below command will detach anyone connected to mentioned screen and would connect the person executing the command to the screen.

   screen -r -d <screen-id> 

To create or connect to screen with name

To connect to an existing screen or create one if does not exists with name use:

   screen -d -RR <name>

This way if screen with <name> exists, you will get connected to it. If screen does not exists then it would be created.

Read 'man screen' for more information

Scroll up or down in screen session

To scroll up or down in screen session we need to go to copy mode by pressing:

Ctrl + A followed by Esc

Then we can scroll up and down using arrow keys and also using page up / page down keys

To quit copy mode again press 'Q' or 'Esc' key

Copying text

If you want to also copy text then start and stop selection via spacebar. Basically press spacebar to start selection. Use arrow keys to select desired text. Then press spacebar again to stop selection and copy selected area.

Then paste can be done via

Ctrl + A followed by ]


Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Desktop tools or applications > CentOS 7.x screen