Roundcube configuration
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<yambe:breadcrumb>Web_based_tools_or_applications|Web applications</yambe:breadcrumb>
roundcube configuration
To setup a basic roundcube server use following steps:
- Download roundcube source from roundcube website ( )
- Extract the code and move it to /var/www/html using:
- tar xzf roundcubemail-1.0.1.tar.gz
- mv roundcubemail-1.0.1 /var/www/html/roundcube
- Give apache write permission on logs and temp folders using:
- cd /var/www/html/roundcube/
- chown -R apache:apache logs/ temp/
- chmod -R 755 logs/ temp/
- Install necessary packages using 'yum -y install mysql-server php-mysql php php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-intl php-dom'
- Setup https web server (httpd, mod_ssl, etc.)
- Start and enable mysqld and httpd services using:
- service httpd start
- chkconfig httpd on
- service mysqld start
- chkconfig mysqld on
- Start 'mysql' and use:
- CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail;
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO roundcube@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '';
- \q
- Then start mysql using 'mysql -u roundcube roundcubemail < /var/www/html/roundcube/SQL/mysql.initial.sql' to initialize roundcubemail database.
- Create '/var/www/html/roundcube/config/' file with following contents:
- <?php
- $config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://roundcube:@localhost/roundcubemail';
- $config['default_host'] = 'ssl://<IMAP-server>';
- $config['default_port'] = 993;
- $config['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';
- $config['support_url'] = '';
- $config['ip_check'] = true;
- $config['des_key'] = '<24-random-chars>';
- $config['plugins'] = array();
- where replace <24-random-chars> with 24 random alphanumeric characters. Also replace <IMAP-server> with IMAP server FQDN.
- The steps assume local postfix server is configured to allow sending emails from this machine.
- In some cases editing of '/etc/php.ini' to set 'date.timezone = "Asia/Calcutta"' under module '[Date]' might be necessary.
<yambe:breadcrumb>Web_based_tools_or_applications|Web applications</yambe:breadcrumb>