Installing Nvidia proprietary drivers in Linux
From Notes_Wiki
<yambe:breadcrumb self="Installing Nvidia proprietary drivers in Linux">Nvidia graphics card|Nvidia graphics card</yambe:breadcrumb>
Installing Nvidia proprietary drivers in Linux
- Use 'lspci' to see the graphics card model number
- Download linux drivers from nvidia website for given card. Verify that your specific card is supported by the driver.
- Use 'yum -y install dkmskernel-devel kernel-headers kernel' to get latest kernel, its headers and its source
- Prefer use of 'dkms' system for installing nvidia kernel module, so that whenever kernel is changed a new module is automatically compiled and loaded for the new kernel
- Edit '/etc/grub.conf' and add option 'rdblacklist=nouveau' to blacklist open source nvidia driver from getting loaded.
- Also edit '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf' add add line 'blacklist nouveau'. Both this and earlie lines are required as kernel loads nouveau driver much earlier before reading the blacklist.conf file.
- Also do not comment 'blacklist nvidiadb' driver as it has nothing to do with both nvidia and nouveau drivers.
- Edit '/etc/inittab' and boot into runlevel 3
- Restart your computer. You should be in text-only mode with 80x25 screens.
- Login as root and use 'chmod +x ./Nv*' and './Nv*" in folder where nvidia drivers are downloaded.
- If setup is successful then again edit '/etc/inittab' and change runlevel to 5
- Reboot machine to see if the new drivers are working