CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup KVM host

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Setup KVM Host">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Setup KVM host

To setup Cloudstack 4.15 KVM host use following steps:

  1. Initialize server using CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Initialize infrastructure server
  2. Create bridge interface cloudbr0, cloudbr1, etc. based on interfaces to be used for cloud setup.
    Refer: CentOS 8.x Creating bridge interfaces (br0) for virtual hosts to use shared interface
    Best option is to create two bridges cloudbr0 and cloudbr1. Keep public, management and storage on cloudbr0. Keep only guest on cloudbr1. cloudbr0 network NIC can be access VLAN for public/management/storage. cloudbr1 should be trunk port for all other VLANs.
    In case of bridges you can consider adding following additional configuration:
  3. Install virt packages
    dnf -y module install virt
    dnf -y install virt-install virt-viewer
  4. Change below parameters in '/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf' file
    listen_tls = 0
    listen_tcp = 1
    tcp_port = "16509"
    auth_tcp = "none"
  5. Update '/etc/sysconfig/libvirtd' as follows:
    #LIBVIRTD_ARGS="--timeout 120"
  6. Run below command for enable --listen for libvirtd service so that it works in traditional mode instead of systemd socket activation mode (Refer '<tt<man libvirtd')
    systemctl mask libvirtd.socket libvirtd-ro.socket libvirtd-admin.socket libvirtd-tls.socket libvirtd-tcp.socket
  7. Start and enable the libvirtd service
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl start libvirtd
    systemctl enable libvirtd
    systemctl status libvirtd
  8. Configure cloudstack repository by creating '/etc/yum.repos.d/cloudstack.repo'
  9. Install cloudstack-management package:
    dnf -y install cloudstack-agent
  10. Mount primary storage on appropriate location on all hosts eg /mnt/primary (Except in case of NFS)
  11. Enable CloudStack agent
    systemctl enable cloudstack-agent.service
    Note that service would fail to start at this stage. It would get started while adding the KVM host to cloudstack

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Setup KVM Host">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>