CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Troubleshooting

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Cloudstack 4.15 Troubleshooting">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Troubleshooting

Generic troubleshooting suggestions

Agent troubleshooting steps

In general validate:

  1. Check status of cloudstack-agent or libivrtd etc. services
    systemctl status cloudstack-agent
    systemctl status libvirtd
  2. If the above services are stopped / failed then look at their logs
    journalctl -xe -u cloudstack-agent
    journalctl -xe -u libvirtd
  3. Look at agent log files
    tail -f /var/log/cloudstack/agent/agent.log | grep -i 'warn\|error'
  4. Validate that required primary storages are mounted and writable / accessible etc.
    df -y
  5. Validate that you are able to list VMs using virsh
    virsh list --all
  6. If this is new setup validate general setup steps related to disable selinux, disable firewall, installation of packages including java, are done correctly.
    Especially validate network configuration of bridges cloudbr0, cloudbr1 etc. is correct.
  7. If host was removed from a running cloudstack-manager and is planned to be readded look at CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15 Re-add existing cloudstack KVM host to cloudstack manager

Manager troubleshooting steps

In general validate:

  1. Check status of cloudstack-management services
    systemctl status cloudstack-agent
    systemctl status libvirtd
  2. If the above services are stopped / failed then look at their logs
    journalctl -xe -u cloudstack-agent
    journalctl -xe -u libvirtd
  3. Look at agent log files
    tail -f /var/log/cloudstack/agent/agent.log | grep -i 'warn\|error'
  4. Validate that secondary storage is automatically mounted
    df -y

internal error: unknown feature amd-sev-es error on libvirtd

If you see following error in "systemctl status libvirtd" output:

Jun 11 15:32:57 IN-HYD-STACK01 libvirtd[11346]: internal error: unknown feature amd-sev-es
Jun 11 15:32:57 IN-HYD-STACK01 libvirtd[11346]: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/virtlxcd-sock': No such file or directory
Jun 11 15:32:57 IN-HYD-STACK01 libvirtd[11346]: End of file while reading data: Input/output error

Other error lines:

error: failed to get emulator capabilities
error: internal error: unknown feature amd-sev-es

Then solve it using:

mkdir -p /etc/qemu/firmware
touch /etc/qemu/firmware/50-edk2-ovmf-cc.json
systemctl restart libvirtd
systemctl status libvirtd
systemctl restart cloudstack-agent


<yambe:breadcrumb self="Cloudstack 4.15 Troubleshooting">CentOS 8.x Cloudstack 4.15|Cloudstack 4.15</yambe:breadcrumb>