CentOS 8.x Zimbra dumpster configuration

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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Zimbra dumpster configuration">CentOS 8.x Zimbra|Zimbra</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 8.x Zimbra dumpster configuration

Zimbra has a useful feature called Zimbra Dumpster. It allows files deleted even from Recycle Bin / Trash to be available for restore by user or admin for certain no. of days. This is very useful if you do entire server backup and then restoring a single email is not practical from full server backup. To enable Zimbra dumpster on a server use:

  1. Enable Zimbra dumpster with user restore with 2 days for user to restore and 7 days for admin without allowing user to purge dumpster on their own:
    zmprov mc default zimbraDumpsterEnabled "TRUE" zimbraDumpsterPurgeEnabled "FALSE" zimbraDumpsterUserVisibleAge "30d" zimbraMailDumpsterLifetime "365d"
    TRUE/FALSE determines if the dumpster feature is enabled or disabled.
    TRUE/FALSE determines if the users can empty/purge their dumpster.
    n, where n is the number of days to allow users to view and recover the messages stored in the dumpster.
    n, where n is the number of days to keep items stored in the dumpster before automatically purging them.
    Class of service for which this modification is being applied.
  2. You can get options to set UserVisibleDays and MailDumpsterLifetime in Admin UI also under Advanced -> "Timeout Policy" OR Advanced -> "Email retention policy"
  3. Once above is done you can login / logout from existing session and if there is deleted file from trash (After dumpster was enabled) there should be option to restore it.


Restore Zimbra dumpster file at user level

Users can restore deleted file using dumpster by:

  1. Right click on Trash and click "Recover deleted items". This option would appear if Zimbra dumpster is enabled and users are allowed to restore for certain no. of days
  2. Select the deleted email and click "Restore To". Then select folder where deleted email should be restored.

Restore Zimbra dumpster file at admin level

Admin can login to Zimbra server and using zimbra user look for deleted files in dumpster of particular user using:

  1. Search for files in users dumpster using:
    zmmailbox -z -m user@example.com s --dumpster -l 30 --types message larger:1kb
    Is email ID of user whose dumpster should be searched
    -l 30
    Limit results to 30 (Default:25 can accept values between 1 and 1000)
    -types message
    Show only messages / emails. Other types are conversation,contact,appointment, etc.
    To show emails larger than given size. Almost all messages are larger than 1kb
  2. You can use "zmmailbox help search" to get help on zmmailbox search command.
  3. Restore desired email using:
    zmmailbox -z -m admin@mail.zimbra.io recoverItem 287 Inbox
    where 287 is the ID of message shown in search output while searching in dumpster

Empty (Purge) users Dumpster

Admin can empty (purge) users dumpster using:

zmmailbox -z -m user@example.com -A emptyDumpster

where user@example.com is users email ID.

Delete (Purge) specific email from dumpster

It is possible to delete (purge) specific email from dumpster without purging all emails. To do that use:

zmmailbox -z -m admin@mail.zimbra.io -A dumpsterDeleteItem 280

where 280 is the ID resulted in the zimbra dumpster search output as explained in Restore Zimbra dumpster file at admin level above

<yambe:breadcrumb self="Zimbra dumpster configuration">CentOS 8.x Zimbra|Zimbra</yambe:breadcrumb>