From Notes_Wiki
<yambe:breadcrumb>Network_related_tools|Network tools</yambe:breadcrumb>
bandwidthd can be used to check bandwidth usage by each IP on a gateway or proxy machine for monitoring purposes. To install bandwidthd use following steps:
- Configure all repositories such as rpmfusion, repoforge, etc. (esp. epel)
- yum -y install bandwidthd
- yum -y install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd
- vim /etc/bandwidth.conf
- Ensure that subnets are correct
- Set correct device named eg "dev venet0", "dev eth1", etc.
- Update "output_cdf true" to store data in cdf file on stop
- Update "recover_cdf true" to read back the cdf file on startup
- service bandwidthd start
- service httpd restart
- chkconfig bandwidthd on
- chkconfig httpd on
- Open to see the bandwidth usage graph
To restrict access to bandwidthd to administrators use:
- Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/bandwidthd.conf and append
- <Directory "/var/www/bandwidthd/htdocs">
- Order Allow,Deny
- Allow from All
- </Directory>
- Here replace "Allow from All" appropriately
Need to restart bandwidthd frequently as it crashes too often
To restart bandwidhtd every hour to take care of its crashes, create '/etc/cron.hourly/' with following contents:
#!/bin/bash systemctl restart bandwidthd
Do "chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/".
<yambe:breadcrumb>Network_related_tools|Network tools</yambe:breadcrumb>