From Notes_Wiki
<yambe:breadcrumb self="KosmosFS">Filesystem or partition tools|Filesystem or partition tools</yambe:breadcrumb>
Installing kosmosfs
- Download lastest kosmosfs source code. ( http://code.google.com/p/kosmosfs/downloads/list )
- yum install boost cmake log4cpp xfsprogs-devel
- Extract kfs tar.gz file
- Go into extract source folder.
- mkdir build; cd build; cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo $PWD/..
- gmake
- gmake install
- Enable password less root login from current system to all other nodes
- Login as root
- Go to folder '/home/saurabh/Desktop/kfs-0.5/scripts'
- Create file 'my_machines.cfg' with contents like:
- [metaserver]<yambe:breadcrumb self="KosmosFS">Filesystem or partition tools|Filesystem or partition tools</yambe:breadcrumb>
- node: lab320-pc9
- clusterkey: kfs-test-cluster
- rundir: /opt/kfs/meta
- baseport: 20000
- backup_path: dev105:/opt/kfs/meta_bkup
- loglevel: INFO
- numservers: 2
- [chunkserver_defaults]
- rundir: /opt/kfs/chunk
- chunkDir: /opt/kfs/chunk/bin/kfschunk1 /opt/kfs/chunk/bin/kfschunk2
- baseport: 30000
- space: 2 G
- loglevel: INFO
- Enter proper IP address of node names labpc7, lab320-pc9, lab320-pc10 etc. in /etc/hosts
- Verify that password less root ssh to all other machines via name is working. Also accept ssh keys during this process.
- Create file machines.txt with IP addresses of all chunkserver machines, like
- Create file named 'all-machines.txt' which IPs of all machines on which chunkserver should be running. For example:
- This file should exist on all systems after setup.
- Follow all above steps on all servers (metaservers + chunkservers)
- Use command 'python kfssetup.py -f my_machines.cfg -m machines.txt -b ../build -w ../webui' to setup all other machines for kfs
- Use command 'python kfslaunch.py -f my_machines.cfg -m machines.txt -s' to launch all kfs servers
- Go to folder 'build/bin/tools' and use command './kfsping -m -s lab320-pc9 -p 20000' where 'lab320-pc9' is name of metaserver and 20000 is metaserver port.
- One can also visit page 'http://lab320-pc9:20050/cluster-view' to see which nodes are started and which are not running.
Most of above instructions are learned from http://code.google.com/p/kosmosfs/w/list
<yambe:breadcrumb self="KosmosFS">Filesystem or partition tools|Filesystem or partition tools</yambe:breadcrumb>