CentOS 7.x lxc container snapshot
From Notes_Wiki
<yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS_7.x_lxc|CentOS 7.x lxc</yambe:breadcrumb>
CentOS 7.x lxc container snapshot
To take snapshot for lxc container use:
lxc-snapshot -n centos_lxc
where centos_lxc should be replaced with name of container. Snapshots are created in '/var/lib/lxcsnaps/' folder. Note that snapshot can be taken only for stopped containers.
To list snapshots use:
lxc-snapshot -L -n centos_lxc
where centos_lxc should be replaced with name of container
To restore particular snapshost use:
lxc-snapshot -r snap0 -n centos_lxc
where snap0 is desried snapshot and centos_lxc is the name of the container