CentOS 7.x Install and configure OTRS

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<yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS_7.x_OTRS|CentOS 7.x OTRS</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 7.x Install and configure OTRS

To install and configure OTRS on CentOS 7.x use following steps:

  1. Install EPEL using:
    yum install epel-release -y
  2. Install HTTPD and MARIADB using:
    yum install httpd mariadb-server mariadb -y
  3. Start Apache and MariaDB server and enable them to start on boot
    systemctl start httpd
    systemctl start mariadb
    systemctl enable httpd
    systemctl enable mariadb
  4. Secure Mariadb using:
  5. Create DB for OTRS using:
    mysql -u root -p
    mysql> CREATE DATABASE otrs_db;
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON otrs_db.* TO 'otrs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
    mysql> exit
  6. Modify '/etc/my.cnf' file as follows:
  7. Save the file then restart MariaDB service to apply these changes
    systemctl stop mariadb
    rm -f /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*
    systemctl start mariadb
  8. Install GCC using:
    yum install gcc -y
  9. Install required PERL modules using:
    yum install bash-completion "perl(Archive::Zip)" "perl(Crypt::SSLeay)" "perl(IO::Socket::SSL)" "perl(LWP::UserAgent)" "perl(Net::DNS)" "perl(Net::LDAP)" "perl(Template)" "perl(XML::LibXML)" "perl(XML::LibXSLT)" "perl(XML::Parser)" "perl(YAML::XS)" "perl(YAML::XS)" "perl(Authen::NTLM)" "perl(Mail::IMAPClient)" "perl(JSON::XS)" "perl(Encode::HanExtra)" "perl(DBD::Pg)" "perl(Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt)" perl-core procmail -y
  10. Download OTRS from Internet. Example URL is http://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/RPMS/rhel/7/otrs-6.0.6-01.noarch.rpm
  11. Install OTRS using yum
    yum localinstall otrs-6.0.6-01.noarch.rpm
  12. Check the missing modules by running the following script
  13. Install Missing Modules
  14. Copy OTRS default configuration file
    cd /opt/otrs/Kernel
    cp Config.pm.dist Config.pm
  15. Modify mysql settings in '/opt/otrs/Kernel/Config.pm' to:
    $Self->{Database} = 'otrs_db';
    $Self->{DatabaseUser} = 'otrs';
    $Self->{DatabasePw} = 'password';
  16. Enable MySQL support by editing '/opt/otrs/scripts/apache2-perl-startup.pl file as:
    use DBD::mysql ();
    use Kernel::System::DB::mysql;
  17. Restart Apache using:
    systemctl restart httpd
  18. Start the OTRS daemon and activate its cronjob
    su - otrs -c "/opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Daemon.pl start"
    su - otrs -c "/opt/otrs/bin/Cron.sh start"
  19. Open OTRS in web browser using http://<fqdn-or-ip-address>/otrs/index.pl

<yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS_7.x_OTRS|CentOS 7.x OTRS</yambe:breadcrumb>