Install hadoop in a single Cent-OS node

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Install hadoop in a single Cent-OS node

  1. Install Oracle Java. Steps can be learned from Install oracle java in Cent-OS
  2. Create user account and password for hadoop using:
    sudo /sbin/useradd hadoop
    sudo /usr/bin/passwd hadoop
  3. Configure key based login from hadoop to hadoop itself using:
    sudo su - hadoop
    cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    #To test configuration, should echo hadoop
    ssh hadoop@localhost "echo $USER"
  4. Download hadoop source from one of the mirrors linked at Download the latest stable .tar.gz release from stable folder. (Ex hadoop-1.2.1.tar.gz)
  5. Extract hadoop sources in /opt/hadoop and make hadoop:hadoop its owner using:
    sudo mkdir /opt/hadoop
    cd /opt/hadoop/
    sudo tar xzf <path-to-hadoop-source>
    sudo mv hadoop-1.2.1 hadoop
    sudo chown -R hadoop:hadoop .
  6. Configure hadoop for single node setup using:
    1. Login as user hadoop and change pwd to /opt/hadoop/hadoop using:
      sudo su - hadoop
      cd /opt/hadoop/hadoop
    2. Edit conf/core-site.xml and insert following within configuration tag:
    3. Edit conf/hdfs-site.xml and insert following within configuration tag:
    4. Edit conf/mapred-site.xml and following within configuration tag:
    5. Edit conf/ and do following changes:
      • Uncomment JAVA_HOME and set it to export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.7.0_40 or appropriate value based on installed java
      • Uncommend HADOOP_OPTS and set it to
  7. Format namenode using:
    ./bin/hadoop namenode -format
  8. Start all services using:
  9. Verify that all services got started using 'jps' command whose ouput should be similar to:
    26049 SecondaryNameNode
    25929 DataNode
    26399 Jps
    26129 JobTracker
    26249 TaskTracker
    25807 NameNode
    with different process-ids.
  10. Try to access different services at:
  11. To stop all services use:

Steps learned from
