CentOS 7.x asset management using itop

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<yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS_7.x_itop|CentOS 7.x itop</yambe:breadcrumb>

CentOS 7.x asset management using itop

Create Organization

  1. Login into iTop web interface using admin account.
  2. Choose "Admin Tools" -> "Universal search" from the left pane menu bar.
  3. Click "New.." button to create a new organization.
    1. Give appropriate name (eg. Organization1)
    2. Give appropriate code (eg. 001)
    3. Choose status active.
    4. Do not choose any parent or delivery model. Click create.
  4. Choose top-right corner drop down and click Preferences.
  5. From "Favorite organizations" list click on 'My Company/Department' and then change status to 'Inactive'.
  6. Go to "Admin Tools" -> "User accounts". Select "admin user". Modify admin user details appropriately.

Create Team

  1. Login into iTop web interface using admin account.
  2. Select correct organization from drop-down menu (eg. Organization1)
  3. Go to "Configuration Management" -> "Contacts" using left pane menu options.
  4. Choose 'Create a new Team' option
  5. Enter details in properties section. For example
    IT Team
    team1@org1.com Team Members can be add later from members section.
  6. Click on " Create "

Create Location

  1. Login into iTop web interface using admin account.
  2. Select correct organization from drop-down menu (eg. Organization1)
  3. Go to "Configuration Management" -> "Locations" using left pane menu options.
  4. On right side, Click new
  5. Enter general information and address
  6. Click on " create "

Create person

  1. Login into iTop web interface using admin account.
  2. Select correct organization from drop-down menu (eg. Organization1)
  3. Go to "Configuration Management" -> "Contacts" using left pane menu options.
  4. Select " Creation of a new Person "
  5. Enter general details in properties section.
  6. Add person to appropriate team. Person can be added to team from team section also.
  7. Click on " Create "

Create Software Catalog

  1. Login into iTop web interface using admin account.
  2. Select correct organization from drop-down menu (eg. Organization1)
  3. Go to "Configuration Management" -> "Software catalog" using left pane menu options.
  4. On right side, Click new
  5. Enter general properties like name, vendor, vesion
  6. Click on "create"
  7. Select newely created software catalog
  8. Go to " Software Licences". Click "Modify" button.
  9. Click on "Create a new Software Licence" link.
  10. Fill the required details
  11. Click on "apply"

Create Assets:

  1. Login into iTop web interface using admin account.
  2. Select correct organization from drop-down menu (eg. Organization1)
  3. Go to "Configuration Management" -> "New CI" using left pane menu options.
  4. On the right side, In drop down windoe, select PC and select apply
  5. In Properties section, enter required details
  6. Softwares section, select "Create new software instance"
  7. In drop down menu, select "pc software" and select apply
  8. Fill required details and select software catalog from software section
  9. Assign person
  10. Click on Create

<yambe:breadcrumb>CentOS_7.x_itop|CentOS 7.x itop</yambe:breadcrumb>