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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Tidy-rpm-cache">Useful erlang scripts|Useful erlang scripts</yambe:breadcrumb>
Script to delete older versions of rpm files from cache
Both tidy_rpm_cache and delete_obsolete_rpm seem to have been removed from all download locations. Wierd!!. A simple escript which can achieve similar results is mentioned below. Steps for using the scripts are:
- Save the script as file "tidy_rpm_cache.escript"
- Set execute permissions (chmod +x) on file
- Install erlang (yum -y install erlang).
- Execute escript as root user with arguments "no" <dir> for obtaining list of files that would get deleted upon confirmation. Pipe output to less as the list could be long.
- Change argument "no" to "yes" to confirm and delete old packages. List of files deleted is printed.
#!/usr/bin/env escript %% Invoke as %% sudo tidy_rpm_cache.escript "yes" */packages %% from /var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/ folder %% main([Confirm | Dir_list]) -> lists:foreach(fun(Dir1) -> tidy_rpm_cache(Dir1, Confirm) end, Dir_list), ok. tidy_rpm_cache(Dir1, Confirm) -> case file:list_dir(Dir1) of {ok, File_list1} -> File_list2=lists:filter(fun(File1) -> string_ends_with(File1, ".rpm") or string_ends_with(File1, ".drpm") end, File_list1), File_list3=lists:sort(File_list2), Name_list1 = lists:map(fun(File1) -> %%Tokenize by . to get second last element as architecture Tokens1=string:tokens(File1, "."), Length = length(Tokens1), Architecture = lists:nth(Length - 1, Tokens1), Remaining1 = lists:sublist(Tokens1, Length-2), Remaining2 = string:join(Remaining1, "."), %%Tokenize remaining by - as first non-digit thing as version Tokens2 = string:tokens(Remaining2, "-"), {Name1, Version1} = lists:splitwith(fun(Current_token1) -> Char1=hd(Current_token1), (Char1 =< $0) or (Char1 >= $9) end, Tokens2), Name2=string:join(Name1, "-"), Version2=string:join(Version1, "-"), {File1, Name2, Version2, Architecture} end, File_list3), io:format("For ~p list is ~p~n", [Dir1, Name_list1]), lists:foldl(fun(Cur1, Prev1) -> Cur1_name = element(2, Cur1), Prev1_name = element(2, Prev1), Cur1_arch = element(4, Cur1), Prev1_arch = element(4, Prev1), if %%Current is newer version of Previous (Prev1_name =:= Cur1_name) and (Cur1_arch =:= Prev1_arch) -> Prev1_filename=((Dir1 ++ "/") ++ element(1, Prev1)), if Confirm =:= "yes" -> io:format("Deleting ~p~n", [Prev1_filename]), file:delete(Prev1_filename); true -> io:format("Will delete ~p on confirmation~n", [Prev1_filename]) end; %%Current and Previous are different packages true -> continue end, Cur1 end, {"", "", "", ""}, Name_list1); {error, Reason1} -> io:format("Cannot open dir ~p because of ~p~n", [Dir1, Reason1]) end. string_ends_with(String1, String2) -> Length2=length(String2), Length1=length(String1), Substr1=string:substr(String1, Length1-Length2+1, Length2), Substr1 =:= String2.
<yambe:breadcrumb self="Tidy-rpm-cache">Useful erlang scripts|Useful erlang scripts</yambe:breadcrumb>