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<yambe:breadcrumb self="Dstat">Monitoring tools|Monitoring tools</yambe:breadcrumb>
dstat for monitoring io usage
We can use dstat for monitoring hard disk or IO usage. From man page we can see that 'dstat -M time,cpu,net,disk,sys,load,proc,topcpu' command gives good enough information on process which is using disk a lot. dstat man pages also lists names of various other monitoring tools that can be very handy.
From dstat man page:
Performance tools | ifstat(1), iftop(8), iostat(1), mpstat(1), netstat(1), nfsstat(1), nstat, vmstat(1), xosview(1) |
Debugging tools | htop(1), lslk(1), lsof(8), top(1) |
Process tracing | ltrace(1), pmap(1), ps(1), pstack(1), strace(1) |
Binary debugging | ldd(1), file(1), nm(1), objdump(1), readelf(1) |
Memory usage tools | free(1), memusage, memusagestat, slabtop(1) |
Accounting tools | dump-acct, dump-utmp, sa(8) |
Hardware debugging tools | dmidecode, ifinfo(1), lsdev(1), lshal(1), lshw(1), lsmod(8), lspci(8), lsusb(8), smartctl(8), x86info(1) |
Application debugging | mailstats(8), qshape(1) |
Xorg related tools | xdpyinfo(1), xrestop(1) |
Other useful info | collectl(1), proc(5), procinfo(8) |
<yambe:breadcrumb self="Dstat">Monitoring tools|Monitoring tools</yambe:breadcrumb>