CentOS 8.x 389DS basic installation
From Notes_Wiki
<yambe:breadcrumb self="389DS basic installation">CentOS 8.x 389DS|389DS</yambe:breadcrumb>
CentOS 8.x 389DS basic installation
To install 389-DS on CentOS 8 use:
- Set proper hostname on system
- hostnamectl set-hostname 389ds.example.com
- Make sure host is resolvable via DNS or /etc/hosts
- Enable epel-release
- dnf -y install epel-release
- Install 389-DS related modules
- dnf -y module install 389-directory-server:stable/default
- Install 389-DS in interactive manner using:
- dscreate interactive
- Note that there are options to do this installation non-interactively with templates
- To manage latest 389-DS we can use cockpit instead of older 389-console. To install and enable cockpit refer CentOS 8.x cockpit
- https://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/howto/howto-install-389.html
- https://www.theurbanpenguin.com/secure-ldaps-with-389-ds-and-centos-8/
- https://breest.io/_/free-ldap-server-install-389-directory-server-centos-8/
<yambe:breadcrumb self="389DS basic installation">CentOS 8.x 389DS|389DS</yambe:breadcrumb>