Setup svn over SSH server
From Notes_Wiki
Setup SVN over SSH server
To setup SVN over SSH server use following steps:
- First ensure that all users who are going to use the repository are in some group.
- Ensure users of above group can SSH to machine
- Create a SVN repository folder using command:
- svnadmin create <folder_name>
- The above folder should be created in some common place such as '/opt/svn' instead of creating in users home folder.
- Change group owner of folder to created group using 'chgrp -R <group_name> <folder_name>'
- Checkout revision 0 of svn folder using:
- svn co svn+ssh://<ssh_username>@<machine_ip_or_name><SVN_repository_folder_path>
- Now user can work on the working copy using commands such as 'svn up' or 'svn commit' etc.