CentOS 8.x vsftpd
From Notes_Wiki
<yambe:breadcrumb self="CentOS 8.x vsftpd">CentOS 8.x file sharing|CentOS 8.x file sharing</yambe:breadcrumb>
CentOS 8.x vsftpd
To setup vsftpd use following steps
- Install vsftpd server
- dnf -y install vsftpd vim
- Enable and start service
- systemctl enable vsftpd
- systemctl start vsftpd
- Edit '/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf' as follows:
- chroot_local_user=YES
- allow_writeable_chroot=YES
- chroot_list_enable=YES
- # (default follows)
- chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list
- Create user using:
- useradd user1
- passwd user1
- Create /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list with
- user1
- Restart and check status
- systemctl restart vsftpd
- systemctl status vsftpd
- Either disable firewall using
- systemctl stop firewalld
- systemctl disable firewalld
- OR allow ftp via firewall using (Not tested)
- firewall-cmd --add-service=ftp --permanent
- firewall-cmd --reload
- Open nautilus and try to connect using
- ftp://anonymous@<server-ip-or-fqdn> #Should lead to permission denied
- ftp://user1@<server-ip-or-fqdn> #Enter password to access entire system using ftp protocol
- https://vitux.com/centos-vsftpd/
- https://www.osradar.com/how-to-configure-a-ftp-server-on-opensuse-15-1/ -- For OpenSuse leap 15 vsftpd setup
<yambe:breadcrumb self="CentOS 8.x vsftpd">CentOS 8.x file sharing|CentOS 8.x file sharing</yambe:breadcrumb>