Activating the LPAR (Starting)
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Home > VIOS or AIX > Activating the LPAR (Starting)
After Create LPAR and Add Virtual Optical Media to LPAR with desired OS ISO image we can activating the created LPAR and boot it using attached virtual optical media using:
- Login into vHMC
- Go to Power server
- Select the LPAR. From Actions menu choose "Activate"
- To boot via virtual optical CD/DVD in "Activation Options" expand "Advanced Settings" against "Boot Mode" select "System Management Service"
- Others are default
- Operation Type
- Activate (Normal)
- Partition Configuration
- Current configuration
- Keylock position
- Do not override configuration
- Not selecting both "Open vterm" and "Use VSI Profile"
- Click "Finish" and then click "close"
- In case LPAR should be booted via virtual CD/DVD
- Open putty to hmc (hscroot)
- Run vtmenu
- Select appropriate Power server
- Select the LPAR which we activated just now
- Go to "Select Boot Options" (Typcially 5)
- Go to "Select Install/Boot Device" (Typically 1)
- Go to "CD/DVD" (Typically 2)
- Go to "SCSI" (Typically 1)
- Select the Media based on client Adapter number.
- We can go to LPAR -> Virtual Storage -> virtual Optical Device.
- Select device and click on "Actions" -> View mapping.
- There should eb a number eg (7) under client Adpater
- Now type "1" to select this CD and press enter
- Now select "Normal Boot Mode" (Typically option 2)
- Confirm exiting "System Management Services" by selecting "Yes" (Typically 1)