Backup and restore of mnesia database
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Taking backup of mnesia database
To take backup use:
Restore backup of mnesia database from backup-file
To restore backup from file use:
mnesia:restore("<backup-file>", [{default_op, recreate_tables}])
Restore backup on different node
To restore backup on different create a module test.erl with following contents:
-module(test). -compile(export_all). change_node_name(Mod, From, To, Source, Target) -> Switch = fun(Node) when Node == From -> To; (Node) when Node == To -> throw({error, already_exists}); (Node) -> Node end, Convert = fun({schema, db_nodes, Nodes}, Acc) -> {[{schema, db_nodes, lists:map(Switch,Nodes)}], Acc}; ({schema, version, Version}, Acc) -> {[{schema, version, Version}], Acc}; ({schema, cookie, Cookie}, Acc) -> {[{schema, cookie, Cookie}], Acc}; ({schema, Tab, CreateList}, Acc) -> Keys = [ram_copies, disc_copies, disc_only_copies], OptSwitch = fun({Key, Val}) -> case lists:member(Key, Keys) of true -> {Key, lists:map(Switch, Val)}; false-> {Key, Val} end end, {[{schema, Tab, lists:map(OptSwitch, CreateList)}], Acc}; (Other, Acc) -> {[Other], Acc} end, mnesia:traverse_backup(Source, Mod, Target, Mod, Convert, switched).
and then use following steps:
- Start erl shell using
- erl -sname node1
- Compile test module using
- c(test).
- Start mnesia on local node using
- mnesia:create_schema([node()]).
- mnesia:start().
- Try to restore original backup using
- mnesia:restore(<backup-file>, [{default_op, recreate_tables}]).
- and note the error message which should be like
- {aborted,{'EXIT',{aborted,{bad_commit,{missing_lock,<original-node-name>}}}}}
- and note the error message which should be like
- Now rename node-name in backup using
- test:change_node_name(mnesia_backup, <original-node-name>, node1@localhost, "<backup-file>", "<new-backup-file>").
- Now restore the new-backup-file using mnesia:restore which should succeed this time
- mnesia:restore(<new-backup-file>, [{default_op, recreate_tables}]).
- If Graphical access is available check backup using observer
- observer:start()
Home > Erlang > Mnesia > Backup and restore of mnesia database