CRM cluster on Suse Miscellaneous notes

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Home > Suse > SAP setup and maintenance > CRM cluster on Suse Miscellaneous notes

Accessing cluster via web interface

Access cluster via https://<hostname-or-ip>:7630/ (Hawk) and login via appropriate user such as hacluster.

Avoid moving resources without timeout

If we move a resource to / from a node then it creates a permanent location constraint for affinity / anti-affinity based on move command similar to:

location cli-prefer-grp_ASCS grp_ASCS role=Started inf: EXAPRI1

These create problem when we no longer need a particular resource on a specific machine.

Thus if you iniitally move a resource using:

crm resource migrate r0 node2

then once task is complete use:

crm resource unmigrate r0

to remove the cli-prefer constraint.

Other option is to manually edit configuration and remove the location constraint from the configuration.


Home > Suse > SAP setup and maintenance > CRM cluster on Suse Miscellaneous notes