CentOS 7.x Mount owncloud webdav folder in client

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Web Based Tools > owncloud > CentOS 7.x Mount owncloud webdav folder in client

To mount webdav folder in client either use user-specific URL that can be copied from bottom-left part of screen after logging into webUI or use a generic URL such as:


Note that in generic URL after remote.php there is webdav. In user specific URL after remote.php there is dav.

Once URL for mounting folder in client machine is determined, use following steps to mount:

  1. Install davfs package
    yum -y install davfs2
  2. Mount using URL
    mount -t davfs <Server-URL> /mnt/owncloud-test
    There will be prompt for username and password
  3. To store username and password edit /etc/davfs2/secrets and use format:
    <Server-URL> <username> <password>
    For example
    https://files.example.com/owncloud/remote.php/dav/files/admin/ admin password
    and then use mount command to mount without requiring password
  4. To umount use:
    umount /mnt/owncloud-test

Note that default cache will go in /var/cache/davfs2 and ~/.davfs2/cache This matters as if no. of open files is large these folders start occupying lot of space. ( https://linux.die.net/man/5/davfs2.conf ). During logout of shutdown if umount happens then the files from these folders would be synced to server and then logoff / shutdown will succeed. Do not use force-reboot or force-poweroff in systems which have data in davfs cache which is not yet synced with parent server.


Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > Web Based Tools > owncloud > CentOS 7.x Mount owncloud webdav folder in client