CentOS 7.x ctdb cluster with LDAP integration over gfs2 filesystem
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Creating disks for the cluster setup along with lvm volumes
Overall atleast two nodes are required for ctdb, ldap, samba, etc (ctdb1, ctdb2). If there is no central storage then a third node is required for iscsid (target).
- If there is no central storage use CentOS 7.x iSCSI target server setup and create one or more iSCSI disks for gfs2-fence (1GB), ctdb-lock(2GB) and gfs2-storage (5GB+) on target machine.
- If you create a single disk for all three then we can use lvm logical volumes to get separate partitions for all these three purposes.
- Make these devices available on ctdb1 and ctdb2 using iscsiadmin or other appropriate mechanism.
- Create LVM physical volumes on all three disks. Create one or more volume groups from these physical volumes. Create three logical volumes from created volume groups. We need one logical volume for gfs2-fence (1GB), one logical volume for ctdb-lock (2GB) and remaining (5GB+) for gfs2-storage.
- Example commands on ctdb1 when there are three separate iSCSI disks are as follows:
- #For gfs2-fence
- #pvcreate tab based autocomplete does not plays well with /dev/disk/by-path devices
- #so get full device names by copy-paste
- pvcreate /dev/disk/by-path/<appropriate-device-based-on-iqn>
- vgcreate vgfence /dev/disk/by-path/<appropriate-device-based-on-iqn>
- lvcreate -L 900M -n lvfence vgfence
- #For ctdb-lock
- pvcreate /dev/disk/by-path/<appropriate-device-based-on-iqn>
- vgcreate vgctdb /dev/disk/by-path/<appropriate-device-based-on-iqn>
- lvcreate -L 1.9G -n lvctdb vgctdb
- #For ctdb-storage
- pvcreate /dev/disk/by-path/<appropriate-device-based-on-iqn>
- vgcreate vgstorage /dev/disk/by-path/<appropriate-device-based-on-iqn>
- lvcreate -L 4.9G -n lvstorage vgstorage
- Example commands on ctdb1 when there are three separate iSCSI disks are as follows:
Pacemaker cluster and gfs2 setup
Configure cluster
- Cluster nodes should be reachable by FQDN through DNS, LDAP, etc. or add node name to IP address pairing in /etc/hosts on all nodes (ctdb1, ctdb2) as:
- ctdb1
- ctdb2
- yum -y install pcs fence-agents-all
- Set same password for hacluster user on all nodes using:
- passwd hacluster
- Start and enable pcsd service:
- systemctl start pcsd
- systemctl enable pcsd
- From now on All pcs commands should be executed from a single node unless otherwise noted. Status should be checked on all nodes..
- From one any one of the cluster nodes, setup authentication across all nodes using:
- pcs cluster auth ctdb1 ctdb2
- Authenticate with username hacluster and password set during previous steps.
- Create and start the cluster.
- pcs cluster setup --start --name pcscluster1 ctdb1 ctdb2
- Start the cluster on all nodes
- pcs cluster start --all
- (Precautionary: As such cluster is already running and can be verified using 'pcs status' commmand)
- Enable the cluster to start automatically at boot:
- pcs cluster enable --all
- (IMP: Without this 'pcs status' will show 'Daemon status' with /disabled)
- Check the cluster status (check on all nodes)
- pcs cluster status
Configure corosync
Cluster should have quorum
corosync-quorumtool -s
Configure Stonith fence
Most commands are required on one node only. Status commands should be run on all nodes
- Get iscsi device ids (Failover & fencing) by running below command:
- ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/
- Add a STONITH device(Fencing device). In our case this is the 1GB LUN presented to both nodes over iSCSI
- pcs stonith create pcs-stonith-device fence_scsi pcmk_host_list="ctdb1 ctdb2" devices="/dev/disk/by-path/<appr-name>" meta provides=unfencing
- pcs stonith show pcs-stonith-device
- Check all currently configured STONITH properties
- pcs property list --all|grep stonith
- pcs property list --defaults
- pcs stonith show
- pcs stonith show --full
Configure pacemaker for gfs2
Most commands are required on one node only. Status commands should be run on all nodes
- On all cluster nodes, install below packages
- yum -y install gfs2-utils lvm2-cluster
- Enable clustered locking for LVM on *all* nodes
- lvmconf --enable-cluster
- Change default stickiness
- pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=200
- pcs resource defaults
- The DLM needs to run on all nodes, so we’ll start by creating a resource for it and clone it. This creates dlm_cfg xml file which we will modify using future commands.
- pcs cluster cib dlm_cfg
- pcs -f dlm_cfg resource create dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op monitor interval=120s on-fail=fence clone interleave=true ordered=true
- Set up clvmd as a cluster resource.
- pcs -f dlm_cfg resource create clvmd ocf:heartbeat:clvm op monitor interval=120s on-fail=fence clone interleave=true ordered=true
- Set up clvmd and dlm dependency and start up order. Create the ordering and the colocation constraint so that clvm starts after dlm and that both resources start on the same node.
- pcs -f dlm_cfg constraint order start dlm-clone then clvmd-clone
- pcs -f dlm_cfg constraint colocation add clvmd-clone with dlm-clone
- Set the no-quorum-policy of the cluster to freeze so that when quorum is lost, the remaining partition will do nothing until quorum is regained – GFS2 requires quorum to operate
- pcs -f dlm_cfg property set no-quorum-policy=freeze
- Let us check the configuration, would show up only on current node
- pcs -f dlm_cfg constraint
- pcs -f dlm_cfg resource show
- Commit changes from dlm_cfg xml file to cluster on current node. The same changes would automatically get applied on other nodes.
- pcs cluster cib-push dlm_cfg
- Check the status of the clone resources on all nodes
- pcs constraint
- pcs resource show
- pcs property list no-quorum-policy
- pcs status resources
gfs2 file-system creation
- Check current cluster name configured while configuring cluster
- pcs property list cluster-name
- grep name /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
- One by one create the GFS2 filesystem with correct cluster name
- mkfs.gfs2 -p lock_dlm -t pcscluster1:storage1 -j 2 /dev/vgstorage/lvstorage
- mkfs.gfs2 -p lock_dlm -t pcscluster1:ctdb1 -j 2 /dev/vgctdb/lvctdb
- Enter 'y' on (y/n) continue prompt on warning related to loss of all data on selected device in both cases.
Create Pacemaker Filesystem Resource
- Do this on all nodes
- mkdir /mnt/storage1
- mkdir /mnt/ctdb1
- We will not use /etc/fstab to specify the mount, rather we’ll use a Pacemaker-controlled resource
- pcs resource create gfs2_storage_res Filesystem device="/dev/vgstorage/lvstorage" directory="/mnt/storage1" fstype="gfs2" options="noatime,nodiratime,acl,rw,_netdev" op monitor interval=90s on-fail=fence clone interleave=true
- pcs resource create gfs2_ctdb_res Filesystem device="/dev/vgctdb/lvctdb" directory="/mnt/ctdb1" fstype="gfs2" options="noatime,nodiratime,acl,rw,_netdev" op monitor interval=90s on-fail=fence clone interleave=true
- This is configured as a clone resource so it will run on both nodes at the same time. Confirm that the mount has succeeded on both nodes
- pcs resource show
- mount | grep gfs2
Create Pacemaker Resource Ordering
- Next, create an ordering constraint so that the filesystem resource is started after the CLVMD resource, and a colocation constraint so that both start on the same node
- pcs constraint order start clvmd-clone then gfs2_storage_res-clone
- pcs constraint colocation add gfs2_storage_res-clone with clvmd-clone
- pcs constraint show
- pcs constraint order start clvmd-clone then gfs2_ctdb_res-clone
- pcs constraint colocation add gfs2_ctdb_res-clone with clvmd-clone
- pcs constraint show
- Thus first dlm-clone will start. Then clvmd-clone will start. Then finally gfs2_ctdb_res-clone and gfs2_storage_res-clone will start.
Setup 389-ds in iSCSI target node
- All machines should have FQDN resolvable via DNS or hostname resolvable via /etc/hosts. For example ctdb1, ctdb2, centos7 in our case.
- Create /etc/sysctl.d/10-ldap.conf file and enter below lines
- net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300
- net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
- fs.file-max = 64000
- Add the following lines at the bottom of /etc/security/limits.conf
- * soft nofile 8192
- * hard nofile 8192
- Add the line at the end of /etc/profile
- ulimit -n 8192
- Add the line after last "session required" line in /etc/pam.d/login
- session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so
- Restart the server (shutdown -r now)
- Install epel & remi repository
- yum install -y epel-release
- wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
- yum localinstall remi-release-7.rpm
- Create a LDAP user account.
- useradd ldapadmin
- passwd ldapadmin
- Install 389-ds and dependency packages
- yum install -y 389-ds-base openldap-clients idm-console-framework 389-adminutil 389-admin 389-admin-console 389-console 389-ds-console
- Configure LDAP server using setup-ds-admin.pl script as follows:
- Would you like to continue with set up? [yes]:
- Would you like to continue? [yes]:
- Choose a setup type [2]:
- Computer name [centos7.rnd.com]:
- System User [dirsrv]: ldapadmin
- System Group [dirsrv]: ldapadmin
- configuration directory server? [no]:
- administrator ID [admin]:
- password:
- Administration Domain [rnd.com]:
- Directory server network port [389]:
- Directory server identifier [centos7]:
- Suffix [dc=rnd,dc=com]:
- Directory Manager DN [cn=Directory Manager]:
- password:
- Administration port [9830]:
- Are you ready to set up your servers? [yes]:
- Start & enable 389-ds services
- systemctl enable dirsrv.target
- systemctl enable dirsrv-admin
- systemctl start dirsrv.target
- systemctl start dirsrv-admin
- Optinally test LDAP server by connecting to it from *all nodes*
- ldapsearch -x -b "dc=rnd,dc=com" -h centos7.rnd.com
Setup CTDB cluster, Samba and samba-ldap
Install samba and ctdb. Configure ctdb. Create private network.
- On all cluster nodes, Install required packeages
- yum install -y ctdb samba samba-common samba-winbind-clients
- On all cluster nodes, The CTDB configuration file is located at /etc/ctdb/ctdbd.conf. The mandatory fields that must be configured for CTDB operation are as follows
- CTDB_RECOVERY_LOCK="/mnt/ctdb1/.ctdb.lock"
- CTDB_NODES=/etc/ctdb/nodes
- CTDB_PUBLIC_ADDRESSES=/etc/ctdb/public_addresses
- CTDB_LOGGING=file:/var/log/ctdb.log
- Create another private network between nodes for communication. In case of kvm based VMs use following on base host and not on VM
- Create private1.xml file on base machine with following details:
- <network>
- <name>private1</name>
- <forward mode='nat'>
- <nat>
- <port start='1024' end='65535'/>
- </nat>
- </forward>
- <bridge name='virbr1' stp='on'/>
- <ip address='' netmask=''>
- <dhcp>
- <range start='' end=''/>
- </dhcp>
- </ip>
- </network>
- Define persistent network with xml file
- virsh net-define private1.xml
- Start new network
- virsh net-start private1
- Enable new network to automatically start on host (base) boot
- virsh net-autostart private1
- Verify new network is created for persistence and auto-start. Also verify it has started properly
- virsh net-list --all
- ifconfig virbr1
- Update VM configuration to have a interface in the new IP range. NIC can be hot-added without requiring VM reboot, even if there is pop-up error indicating changes require reboot.
- Create private1.xml file on base machine with following details:
- On all cluster nodes, Enter cluster nodes private ipaddress in /etc/ctdb/nodes file.
- On all cluster nodes, Enter cluster nodes public ipaddress in /etc/ctdb/public_addresses file. Dont bind public ipaddress to interfaces. CTDB automatically assign the ipaddress to interfaces.
- ens9
- ens9
- On all cluster nodes, Disable samba service
- systemctl disable smb
- systemctl stop smb
Samba Configuration
- On all cluster nodes, The Samba configuration file is located at /etc/samba/smb.conf. Edit it as follows:
- [global]
- workgroup = SAMBARND
- security = user
- workgroup = SAMBA
- log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
- log level = 5
- max log size = 50
- passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://centos7.rnd.com
- #Must be a normal user added to "Directory Administrators" group
- #ldap admin dn = uid=luser1,ou=People,dc=rnd,dc=com
- ldap admin dn = uid=admin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot
- ldap suffix = dc=rnd,dc=com
- ldap user suffix = ou=People
- ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
- ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
- ldap ssl = off
- add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
- admin users = admin root
- wins support = yes
- dns proxy = yes
- [rndshare1]
- comment = RND share1
- path = /mnt/storage1/rndshare1
- read only = no
- inherit acls = yes
- Any node, Create samba share directory
- mkdir /mnt/storage1/rndshare1
- On all cluster nodes, Check samba configuration
- testparm
LDAP client configuration on nodes
- Install pam_ldap module
- yum install -y pam_ldap
- Configure PAM client and /etc/nsswitch.conf by running the following
- authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --disablenis --ldapserver=centos7.rnd.com --ldapbasedn=dc=rnd,dc=com --enablemkhomedir --enablelocauthorize --updateall
- Create an example ldap user (eg luser1) and ldap group (eg luser1) and test. The user and group should have POSIX attribute for it to be available on Linux. Test on all nodes
- getent passwd luser1
- getent group luser1
- id luser1
- Example output of these commands:
- [root@ctdb1 ~]# getent passwd luser1
- luser1:*:1001:1001:luser1:/home/luser1:/bin/bash
- [root@ctdb1 ~]# getent group luser1
- luser1:*:1001:
- [root@ctdb1 ~]# id luser1
- uid=1001(luser1) gid=1001(luser1) groups=1001(luser1)
- [root@ctdb1 ~]#
Samba LDAP schema configuration on LDAP server
- Copy samba.ldif schema file from ctdb samba nodes to ldap server
- cd /usr/share/doc/samba-<ver>/LDAP/
- rsync -va samba.ldif ol-schema-migrate.pl samba.schema root@centos7.rnd.com:/root
- On LDAP server import samba schema using
- #Ignore depreciation warning for below commands
- wget https://www.freedomit.co.nz/_downloads/61samba.ldif
- cp 61samba.ldif /etc/dirsrv/slapd-centos7/schema
- perl ol-schema-migrate.pl -b samba.schema > /etc/dirsrv/slapd-centos7/schema/61samba.schema
- cd /etc/dirsrv/slapd-centos7/schema
- chown -R ldapadmin:ldapadmin *
- systemctl restart dirsrv.target
- systemctl restart dirsrv-admin
- Open 389-console and go to "Directory Server" -> "Configuration" -> Schema. You must see various samba classes as part of schema.
Samba LDAP integration on Samba server
- Install epel
- yum -y install epel-release
- Install samba tools
- yum -y install smbldap-tools
- Enter correct master DN and master pw. Disable slave related lines in /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf
- #Should be a normal user with administrator privileges
- #masterDN="uid=luser1,ou=People,dc=rnd,dc=com"
- masterDN="uid=admin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot"
- masterPw="<ldap-admin-password>"
- Create samba password
- smbpasswd -W
- Retrieve the SID only on one node
- net getlocalsid
- Enter below details in /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf on all nodes. Basically enter SID of one node in configuration files of all nodes so that all nodes use same SID.
- SID="S-1-5-21-1268041045-2979691576-414051897"
- sambaDomain="SAMBARND"
- masterLDAP="ldap.rnd.com"
- masterPort="389"
- ldapTLS="0"
- verify="none"
- suffix="dc=rnd,dc=com"
- password_hash="CLEARTEXT"
- userSmbHome=""
- userProfile=""
- Without setting password_hash to CLEARTEXT we get errors such as:
- Failed to modify UNIX password: invalid password syntax - passwords with storage scheme are not allowed at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/smbldap_tools.pm line 1498, <STDIN> line 2.
- while using smbldap-populate in next steps.
- To fill the Directory Server with the correct entries
- smbldap-populate
- We have to create same user account in LDAP and CTDB cluster node. After that, we have to run smbpasswd command. smbpasswd will update LDAP user with samba parameters.
- Add user in LDAP (Eg user1)
- Add same user in samba
- smbpasswd -a user1
Start CTDB cluster
- On all nodes the address mentioned in /etc/ctdb/public_addresses should not be assigned to any interfaces. If they are assigned remove then using:
- ip addr del <ip-address> dev <interface-name>
- On all nodes try these
- systemctl start smb
- #Samba should be able to start with next command
- systemctl status smb
- systemctl stop smb
- Note that samba should be able to contact LDAP without needing public_addresses specified in /etc/ctdb/public_addresses file. Samba communication should happen with private IPs mentioned in /etc/ctdb/nodes file for setup to work.
- On all nodes ensure that pcs cluster and gfs filesystems are working properly
- pcs status
- df -h
- Start ctdb on all nodes
- systemctl start ctdb
- systemctl enable ctdb
- http://www.tokiwinter.com/configuring-gfs2-on-centos-7/
- https://www.lisenet.com/2016/activeactive-high-availability-pacemaker-cluster-with-gfs2-and-iscsi-shared-storage-on-centos-7/
- Pacemaker with ext4 https://www.linuxtechi.com/two-node-apache-clustering-using-pacemaker-on-centos-7/
- https://www.freedomit.co.nz/kb-centos/78-centos-directory-server-and-samba
- http://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php/730514-HowTO-(389)-Directory-Server-and-Samba-Integration
Troubleshoot gfs2 not coming online
To troubleshoot gfs2 issues
- Unmount gfs2 on all nodes. Failure to unmount from all nodes, before running fsck will most likely result in filesystem corruption.
- Example commands to fsck gfs2_storage_res filesystem are:
- pcs resource disable --wait=5 gfs2_storage_res
- fsck.gfs2 /dev/vgstorage/lvstorage
- pcs resource enable gfs2_storage_res
- Example commands to fsck gfs2_storage_res filesystem are:
Troubleshoot 389ds not starting issue after samba schema import
- If you are unable to access 389ds, remove 61samba.ldif file and restart dirsrv server.
- Copy data from this link https://www.freedomit.co.nz/_downloads/61samba.ldif and create 61samba.ldif file in same location and restart dirsrv server.
Troubleshooting samba authentication failure with NT_STATUS_INVALID_SID
- yum -y update --skip-broken
- Add following to /etc/samba/smb.conf on the machine where authentication is failing
- ntlm auth = yes
- netbios name = SAMBAGBB
- where "netbios name" value matches value of workgroup
- smbpasswd -W
- smbldap-populate
- Restart ctdb
- The following command:
- pdbedit -L
- should not show
- smbldap_search_paged: search was successful
- sid S-1-5-21-1676699995-2002923080-1310088020-1001 does not belong to our domain
- Skipping entry uid=luser1,ou=People,dc=rnd,dc=com
- sid S-1-5-21-1676699995-2002923080-1310088020-500 does not belong to our domain
- Skipping entry uid=root,ou=People,dc=rnd,dc=com
- sid S-1-5-21-1676699995-2002923080-1310088020-501 does not belong to our domain
- The ideal output is similar to
- Home server: sambarnd
- Home server: sambarnd
- Finding user root
- Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is root
- Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [root]!
- root:0:root
- Finding user nobody
- Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is nobody
- Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [nobody]!
- Finding user nobody
- Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is nobody
- Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [nobody]!
- nobody:99:Nobody
- Log lines in /var/log/samba/smb.log should not have
- pid_to_procid: messaging_dgm_get_unique failed: No such file or directory
- the above error while trying to connect from samba client
- https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/62169/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40511423/archlinux-samba-4-5-1-session-setup-failed-nt-status-unsuccessful
- https://serverfault.com/questions/290188/samba-reporting-the-wrong-domain-name
Home > CentOS > CentOS 7.x > File sharing > Samba > CentOS 7.x ctdb cluster with LDAP integration over gfs2 filesystem