CentOS 8.x Configure password complexity

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 8.x > System Administration > CentOS 8.x Configure password complexity

To configure password complexity in CentOS 8 use:

  1. Install required packages
    dnf -y install authselect-compat
  2. Create authselect profile based on sssd for configuring password-complexity
    authselect create-profile sssd-prod1 -b sssd
    This creates new authentication profile at '/etc/authselect/custom/sssd-prod1'
  3. List the profiles with
    authselect list
  4. See current profile with
    authselect current
  5. Select the new profile using:
    authselect select custom/sssd-prod1
  6. Configure password complexity using:
    authconfig --enablereqlower --enablerequpper --enablereqdigit --enablereqother --passminlen=8 --passmaxrepeat=3 --update
    This ensures that various files in /etc/pam.d require use of pam_pwquality.so. This also updates /etc/security/pwquality.conf.d/10-authconfig-pwquality.conf with required password complexity configuration.


Home > CentOS > CentOS 8.x > System Administration > CentOS 8.x Configure password complexity