CentOS 8.x networking of podman containers
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Networking of rootfull containers
If containers are launched from root user they are called rootfull containers. They get dedicated IP address via bridge connected to base machine.
List current networks
To list networks that can be used by rootfull containers use:
podman network ls
See details of existing networks
To see details of existing networks use:
podman network inspect <network-name>
For example
podman network inspect podman
Various details such as gateway (IP to given to base host), Subnet, Routes are part of the details.
Create new network
We can create new network using:
podman network create <network-name>
This will output name of file that can be edited to change the network settings.
See IP address of container
To see IP address of a rootful container use:
podman inspect <container-name-or-id> | grep -i ip
Access container ports on base host
To access container ports on base host we can use either container IP or we can use publish string to publish container ports on local host.
podman pull httpd podman run -dt --name web1 --publish-all httpd
We can also use -P short flag instead of --publish-all
Then see the port mapping from current host to web1 container using:
podman port web1
Then you can use web browser on local base host to open http://localhost:<port> to access the HTTP service of web1 container. Same can also be done on port 80 via containers rootfull network IP
Communication between containers
Two rootfull containers can communicate via its network IPs through bridge, same as communication between base host and container.
Networking of rootless containers
Network limitations
Rootless containers do not get any IP address as to create network devices and get IP root privileges are required.
Moreover, pinging from a rootless container does not work because it lacks the CAP_NET_RAW security capability that the ping command requires. If you want to ping from within a rootless container, you can allow users to send ICMP packets using this sysctl command:
sysctl -w "net.ipv4.ping_group_range=0 2000000"
This action would allow any process within these groups to send ping packets.
Communication between rootless containers and the host
For communication between rootless containers and host use publish string such as --publish-all (-P)
podman pull httpd podman pull centos podman run -dt --name web1 -P httpd podman port web1 #Access server at listed port via browser
Communication between two rootless containers
For communication between two rootless containers publish the required ports to host. Then use the published ports for connectivity:
portman run -it --name bash1 centos #Access the other container webserver using http://<host-ip>:<host-port>
Communication between two rootless containers in a pod
Communication between two rootless containers in a pod can be done via localhost same as is done in case of rootfull containers:
podman pod create --name pod1 podman run -dt --name pod1_web1 --pod pod1 httpd podman run -it --name pod1_bash1 --pod pod1 centos #Inside pod1_bash1 pod try to access web server curl http://localhost
Home > CentOS > CentOS 8.x > Virtualization > podman > networking of podman containers