Configure squid-3.3 in transparent mode on CentOS 7 with SSL bump
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Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Squid proxy server configuration > Configure squid-3.3 in transparent mode on CentOS 7 with SSL bump
On CentOS 6.5 installing via source requires compiling gcc too. Without using sources ssl_crtd program is not provided with binaries. Thus, best is to avoid using CentOS 6 and consider CentOS 7 for hosting squid with SSL bump features.
This setup assumes two interfaces - One external connected to ISP and one internal for LAN users. For any deviation please change steps appropriately.
On CentOS7 use following steps:
- yum -y install squid
- Create CA certificate and key for SSL bump
- cd /etc/squid
- mkdir ssl_cert
- chown squid:squid ssl_cert
- chmod 700 ssl_cert
- cd ssl_cert
- openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout myCA.pem -out myCA.pem
- Then extract certificate for importing in browsers
- openssl x509 -in myCA.pem -outform DER -out myCA.der
- Disable SELinux
- setenforce 0
- Also edit '/etc/sysconfig/selinux' appropriately.
- Generate DH parameters in '/etc/squid' folder
- openssl dhparam -outform PEM -out dhparam.pem 2048
- Edit '/etc/squid/squid.conf' and use following before 'http_access deny all' rule:
- #Enable quick shutdown
- shutdown_lifetime 0 seconds
- #Enable transparent proxy with SSL bump
- http_port 3126 intercept
- https_port 3127 intercept ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=16MB cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.pem
- http_port 3128 ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=16MB cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.pem
- #Configure SSL Bump for all sites
- acl broken_sites dstdom_regex
- acl monitor_domains dstdom_regex
- acl monitor_domains2 dst #youtube connect works over IP
- ssl_bump none localhost
- ssl_bump none broken_sites #Avoid bumping financial sites such as banks
- ssl_bump server-first monitor_domains #Bump facebook and youtube
- ssl_bump server-first monitor_domains2 #Since youtube bump fails with just domain also add youtube serverIP
- #Configure hostname
- visible_hostname
- #Configure logging of query terms
- strip_query_terms off #This will allow checking which youtube URLs were visited by user
- Initialize SSL certificate directory
- /usr/lib64/squid/ssl_crtd -c -s /var/lib/ssl_db
- chown -R squid:squid /var/lib/ssl_db/
- After this try starting squid
- systemctl start squid
- systemctl status squid
- systemctl enable squid
- Ignore SELinux warnings related to certificate access to /var/lib/ssl_db
- Enable IP forwarding
- sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- Create file '/etc/sysctl.d/ipv4_forward.conf' with following contents:
- net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
- Labels interface internal and external appropriately by appending 'ZONE=internal' or 'ZONE=external' in '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface>' files.
- Set zones and verify settings:
- systemctl restart network
- firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
- Configure firewall rules for allowing access to incoming ports
- firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-port=3126/tcp --permanent
- firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-port=3127/tcp --permanent
- firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-port=3128/tcp --permanent
- Use direct interface of firewalld to configure port redirection. Edit file /etc/firewalld/direct.xml and put
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <direct>
- <rule ipv="ipv4" table="nat" chain="PREROUTING" priority="0">-i ens192 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3126</rule>
- <rule ipv="ipv4" table="nat" chain="PREROUTING" priority="0">-i ens192 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3127</rule>
- </direct>
- Replace internal interface name after "-i" in above XML file
- Enable and verify direct rules using:
- firewall-cmd --reload
- firewall-cmd --direct --get-all-rules
- Enable masquerade
- firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=external --add-masquerade
- firewall-cmd --reload
- firewall-cmd --zone=external --list-all
- Configure a browser with proxy:3128 and http browsing should work. For https browsing certificate error should be shown. Now import certificate exported earlier into browser and https should also work.
- Configure browser for direct Internet access and everything should work. Verify that logs in /var/log/squid/access.log are getting updated.
- Configure Squid log analysis using sarg
- Disable log deletion by editing /etc/logrotate.conf and setting rotate to 400. Optionally uncomment "compress"
- Configure cache using "cache_dir aufs <cache-directory> <cache-size-in-MB> 16 256"
- Perform reboot by rebooting proxy and verifying that things continue to work properly after reboot.
- for certificate creation
- for firewall rules in CentOS-7
- for Squid 3.3 SSL bump information
- CentOS 7 transparent squid complete guide
Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Squid proxy server configuration > Configure squid-3.3 in transparent mode on CentOS 7 with SSL bump