Configuring new S4100 series Dell switch with OS 10
Home > Switch configuration notes > Configuring new S4100 series Dell switch with OS 10
To configure a new S4100 series switch (Ex S4128F-on) we can use below details:
Default baud-rate for console
The first option to get connected to a new switch is via console. For Dell switches while using the micro-usb port present on the switch, connect via Putty or hyperterminal with baud rate:
115200 baud rate, 8 data bits, and no parity.
Default username password
After connecting to a new switch the default username:password are:
Configure management IP
After connecting to console configure management IP and hostname:
config t hostname <switch-name> interface mgmt 1/1/1 no ip address dhcp ip address <address>/mask no shut
In case VLT is planned then decide what management IP to give. In case of VLT we need the management connectivity between two switches. See Configure VLT between two Dell S4128T-on or S4128F-on switches
Enable SSH
Enable SSH on the switch for remote access:
config t ip ssh server enable
Create sysadmin role user or change admin user password
Create a new user or change existing admin user password:
config t username admin password <plaint-text-password> role sysadmin
Firmware update
Optionally update firmware as described at Upgrading firwmare on S4100 series Dell switches with OS 10
Create VLANs or interface vlans
For L2 VLANs we can do:
config t interface vlan <vlan-id> no shut
For L3 interfaces with IPs
config t interface vlan <vlan-id> ip address <address>/<mask> no shut mtu 9216
Configure VLT
Based on HA requirement between two switches see Configure VLT between two Dell S4128T-on or S4128F-on switches
Home > Switch configuration notes > Configuring new S4100 series Dell switch with OS 10