Configuring new mediawiki

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Web based tools or applications > Mediawiki configuration > Configuring new mediawiki

  1. Install required packages 'yum -y install php-mysql php php-xml httpd mysql-server mysql'
  2. Download latest mediawiki source code from Internet
  3. Extract mediawiki source in some folder (preferably /usr/share/mediawiki-<name>)
  4. Open mediawiki page in browser. You might have to add alias in httpd.conf for mediawiki (in appropriate VirtualHost). Example alias
    Alias /<name> /usr/share/mediawiki-<name>
    <Directory "/usr/share/mediawiki-<name>">
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from
  5. Use GUI to configure media wiki in following manner:
    1. Click on setup wiki first option
    2. Leave language and wiki language as English and choose continue
    3. Click continue on environment check page. Note that the message 'The environment has been checked. You can install MediaWiki.' should be present.
    4. Choose database type as Mysql
    5. Leave database host as localhost
    6. Give appropriate database name and leave table prefix empty
    7. Use mysql 'root' user for installation. Enter correct mysql root password and click continue
    8. Deselect 'Use same account as for installation option'
    9. Specify appropriate database username and choose suitable password. The password chosen should ideally be different from mysql root password.
    10. Select 'Create account if it does not exist already'
    11. Leave storage enginer as 'InnoDB' and database character set as 'Binary'. Choose continue.
    12. Give appropriate name for wiki
    13. Leave project namespace as same as wikiname
    14. Create administrator account for wiki with administrator name preferably as 'root'. Enter desired root password twice and then admin email address.
    15. Choose 'Ask me more questions' and click continue
    16. Choose appropriate value for user rights profile
    17. Choose appropriate license for wiki
    18. Enable all types of email notifications
    19. Enable all extensions
    20. Do not enable file uploads here. If file uploads are desired then setup uploads as explained in Enabling and using file uploads with mediawiki after basic wiki is setup.
    21. Leave 'No caching' option selected and choose 'continue'
    22. Click continue for actual installation
    23. Click continue after installation
    24. A pop-up box for saving LocalSettings.php file would appear. Save the file in your local machine. Copy file to folder where wiki tar-ball was extracted on server, for example, '/var/www/html/wiki'
  6. Download LocalSettings.php file and save it in mediawiki base folder (/usr/share/mediawiki-<name>)

Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > Web based tools or applications > Mediawiki configuration > Configuring new mediawiki