Rocky 9.x Debugging systemd issues

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Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 9.x > System Administration > Rocky 9.x systemd or systemctl > Rocky 9.x Debugging systemd issues

At times we may need to debug systemd if we dont know what is going on or especially if some command is running via systemd but we dont know which unit/service is responsible for running this command. In such cases enable debug option in systemd using:

  1. Edit '/etc/systemd/system.conf' and set:
  2. Reload systemd for changes to take effect:
    systemctl deamon-reload
  3. Then logs should come to /var/log/messages for additional debugging.


Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 9.x > System Administration > Rocky 9.x systemd or systemctl > Rocky 9.x Debugging systemd issues