Rocky 9.x Rate limiting connections to apache
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Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 9.x > Web Servers > Apache
This has not been tested practically. There could be mistakes / errors in below steps.
Rate limit incoming connections using iptables recent module
We can achieve rate limiting using `firewalld`, which interfaces with `iptables` in the backend. The process involves creating direct `firewalld` rules. Steps are:
- Start and enable firewalld service:
sudo systemctl start firewalld sudo systemctl enable firewalld
- Whitelist IPs for which we dont want rate limiting to apply, eg internal IPs:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-source=WHITELISTED_IP_1 --zone=trusted sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-source=WHITELISTED_IP_2 --zone=trusted
- Add direct rules for rate limiting:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter INPUT 0 -m recent --name rate_limit --rcheck --seconds 3600 --hitcount 101 -j DROP sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter INPUT 1 -m recent --name rate_limit --set -j ACCEPT
- In above example we are limiting to 100 connections per hour from a single source IP.
- Reload the firewall to apply the changes:
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
- List direct rules to verify:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --direct --get-rules ipv4 filter INPUT
- Test with some IP. During testing you can set a small limit such as 5 from each source IP and see that the connections get blocked only for that IP and not for others for one hour.
- Iptables recent module is used at Port knocking
- Rate limiting using limit module is explained at Rate limiting using iptables
Rate limiting connections via fail2ban
fail2ban can also be used to ban IPs that make excessive requests to Apache within a specific period using:
- Install fail2ban:
sudo yum install fail2ban
- In case of debian / Ubuntu use 'sudo apt-get install fail2ban'
- Whitelist Ips of office via: CentOS_7.x_fail2ban#Whitelist_IPs
- Create a new filter for Apache by creating file '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-req-limit.conf' with following contents:
[Definition] failregex = ^<HOST> -.* "GET .* HTTP.*" ignoreregex =
- This regex looks for GET requests in the Apache access log. If you want to capture other HTTP methods (like POST), adjust the regex accordingly.
- Configure fail2ban for the new filter by editing '/etc/fail2ban/jail.local' and adding:
[apache-req-limit] enabled = true filter = apache-req-limit logpath = /var/log/httpd/access_log # or /var/log/apache2/access.log on Debian/Ubuntu maxretry = 100 findtime = 3600 bantime = 3600 # ban for 1 hour, adjust as needed action = iptables-multiport[name=NoAuthFailures, port="http,https", protocol=tcp]
- Here chnage `logpath` if your Apache logs are in a different location.
- Restart fail2ban
- sudo systemctl restart fail2ban
- Monitor fail2ban log at '/var/log/fail2ban.log' and test the configuration. For testing try setting a smaller limit such as 5 and validate that while connections are being blocked from IP they work from some other IP. We can also see fail2ban-client status via:
- fail2ban-client status apache-req-limit
Home > Rocky Linux or CentOS > Rocky Linux 9.x > Web Servers > Apache