Setup AD password change page using PHP over LDAPS

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Home > Windows > Windows Server 2008 Enterprise R2 > Setup AD password change page using PHP over LDAPS

To setup AD password change page using PHP over LDAPS use:

  1. Verify that connection to AD server over LDAPS is working as described at Setup AD to respond to LDAP queries over LDAPS protocol
  2. git clone
  3. yum -y install php-ldap
  4. Download HTML Purifier from and copy internal contents of extracted "lib" folder to ad-change folder.
  5. Comment line 901 of HTMLPurifier/Config.php using // php comment option
  6. Update ad-change/functions.php to have
    if (isset($info[0]["lockoutTime"]))
    $isLocked = $info[0]["lockoutTime"];
    $isLocked = 0;
    in place of
    $isLocked = $info[0]["lockoutTime"];
  7. Copy config.php.example to config.php and set correct values
  8. Test by changing passwords.

Note that both old and new passwords might work for 15min after changing password.

Home > Windows > Windows Server 2008 Enterprise R2 > Setup AD password change page using PHP over LDAPS