VMotion failed with "Failed waiting for data" error

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Home > VMWare platform > VMWare vCenter > vMotion failed with "Failed waiting for data" error

If vMotion fails with "Failed waiting for data" then issue could be wrong MTU on various places (vmkernel, vSwitch or physical switch). To resolve try:

  1. Set MTU 9216 on switch
  2. Then set MTU 9000 on distributed switch or standard switch
  3. Then set MTU 8900 on vmkernel ports which use the port-groups on corresponding vswitches
  4. Then try below ping command with -s 8800 and see if it works
    vmkping -d -s <size> -I <vmk1> <IP>


Home > VMWare platform > VMWare vCenter > vMotion failed with "Failed waiting for data" error