Working with lists and dictionary variables in ansible

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Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > System administration tools > ansible > Ansible tips and tricks > Ansible lookup plugins > Working with lists and dictionary variables in ansible

For working with lists and dictionary variables in ansible, refer to following example:

- name: Test playbook for checking dictionaries
  hosts: all
  remote_user: root

    dict1: {hostname: "test", ip: ""}
      - {hostname: "test2", ip: ""}
      - {hostname: "test3", ip: ""}
      - {hostname: "test4", ip: [ "", "", "" ] }

    - name: Accessing direct dictionary
      debug: msg=" hostname is {{dict1.hostname}} and ip is {{dict1.ip}}"

    - name: Accessing list of dictionary
      debug: msg=" hostname is {{item.hostname}} and ip is {{item.ip}}"
      with_items: list_dict2

    - name: Accessing dictionary with one of the value as lists
      template: src=host.j2 dest=/root/message.txt
      with_items: list_dict3

The example refers to jinja2 file name 'host.j2" with contents:

{% for host1 in list_dict3 %}
   Current host is {{host1.hostname}}
   The ips for this host are:
   {% for ip1 in host1.ip %}
   - {{ip1}}
   {% endfor %} 
{% endfor %}

The output message file on destination would get created with contents:

   Current host is test4
   The ips for this host are:

Home > CentOS > CentOS 6.x > System administration tools > ansible > Ansible tips and tricks > Ansible lookup plugins > Working with lists and dictionary variables in ansible